Meeting current legal requirements is critical to any payroll system, yet comprehending the frequently changing pieces of legislation can often be an impossible task.
That’s why compliance is our number one priority when it comes to your payroll. At Ezypay, our staff are payroll specialists with years of experience. We know all the ins and outs of the process and always stay up to date with the latest legislation so you can rest easy.
When you let Ezypay take care of business for you, you can relax knowing that your staff will be paid correctly in accordance with the Minimum Wage Act, and that leave is accrued and paid correctly in accordance with the Holidays Act.
With Ezypay, you’ll never have to worry about missing a payment deadline again. Our software schedules every single payroll based on its payment date. We also provide you with all IR345 reports well in advance of their due date, so you’ll avoid incurring late penalties from Inland Revenue.
By letting us take care of your payroll, you’ll always legally comply for employees, labour inspectors, unions and other interested parties.