Saving Money with Payroll Processing

No-one really realises how much time and money is tied up with internal payroll operations until they relinquish control of their wages to a standalone company. The investment in person hours, money and knowledge is staggering. So staggering, in fact, that payroll outsourcing is, almost without exception, an easy and highly recommended way to start […]

Issue with payslips resolved

We have had a real issue with printing security payslips since MYOB decided to remove a payslip printing option from their program. This actually effected a large number of the clients as we subsequently found out.  But MyPayslips has managed to come up with a solution to the problem so we can revert back to […]

MYOB Satisfaction Survey

MYOB has increased their Annual Maintenance charges by 20% and want to charge even more for Support – Have your say by completing a survey from NZ Payrollers. MYOB currently charges the highest Annual Maintenance fees in New Zealand against comparable products.  They justify this by saying they do ‘continuous development’ but the reality is […]

Easter Sunday is NOT a Public Holiday

There always seems to be a lot of confusion over whether Easter Sunday is  a Public Holiday and what your employees are entitled to be paid.  Easter Sunday is NOT treated as a public holiday under the Holidays Act 2003 – Refer to the informative  Department of Labour link below:

Minimum Wage Increase

Minimum Wage Increase Minimum Wage – From 1st April 2009 There are three groups to calculate minimum wages for. These are the ‘Adult Minimum Wage’, ‘New Entrant’s Minimum Wage’ and ‘Training Minimum Wage’. Adult Minimum Wage This applies to all workers who are 16 years old and over who are not new entrants or trainees. […]

Swamped with calls

Since it was made public that MYOB was discontinuing their Payroll Bureau service we have been swamped with calls.  We have already had a number of confirmed new clients (from MYOB) but Paula is finding it hard to get any work done as the phones keep ringing from MYOB customers. We are working closely with […]

Are you a MYOB payroll bureau customer?

If you are one of the MYOB payroll bureau customers don’t panic! Here at Ezypay we use the same software that MYOB has been using so can have your payroll  up and  running quickly at a minimal cost. Give Paula a call on 0800 399 729 to discuss your requirements and check out what our current […]