ACC wants your views

ACC is currently seeking your views on their levies etc.  Click HERE to share your views. Are you ready to have your say? Levy consultation for the 2016/17 year opens today and runs through until 5pm, Friday 30 October. Jump online, join the conversation, and let us know what you think – this is your […]

Employee Status Error costs Canterbury Student Association $15k

The University of Canterbury Students Association has been asked to repay employees after it breached their holiday pay entitlements. The students association (UCSA) was issued with an improvement notice after receiving a complaint from a former employee who claimed he had not received the correct entitlements for annual leave and sick leave. A Labour Inspectorate […]

Changes to Paid Parental Leave

Changes to Paid Parental Leave (PPL) will come into effect on April 1st, 2015. These changes extend the maximum amount payable from 14 to 16 weeks.  The changes apply to an employee or self-employed person if: The expected date of delivery of their child is on or after April 1st, 2015, but the child is […]

Be careful makeing a In Lieu of Notice deduction

An insulation company has no authority to demand wages from a greiving worker who failed to give two weeks’ notice he was leaving the company because of the sudden death of his father, the Employment Relations Authority says. Warm Kiwi International also sought wages paid to Alan Dowd for hours he worked away from approved […]

Wage Complaints, some industries are worse than others!

Agriculture, forestry and fishing are among the biggest offenders against two pieces of legislation designed to protect workers from being ripped off by their bosses. The sector topped a table of 19 industries for the number of complaints to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment relating to the Minimum Wage Act, and came second […]

Court Ruling over Equal Pay will affect many Industries

The financial impact of higher staff wages in aged-care homes could force some operations to close, a sector group says. New Zealand Aged Care Association chief executive Martin Taylor said the association was mulling a Court of Appeal decision based on whether women should be paid the same as similarly skilled men in different industries. […]

Changes to Labour Laws

Employment law changes fiercely opposed by unions and the Labour Party are about to be passed by parliament. The Employment Relations Amendment Bill completed its committee stage on Tuesday night and is expected to pass its final third reading stage on Wednesday. The government had to put it on hold before the election because it […]