Support Christchurch Business

Following our two rather large earthquakes, Christchurch is slowly, very slowly, getting back on its feet. The majority of the CBD is still out of bounds but we have a great view of the Grand Chancellor and will be selling seats to watch it come down, when it finally happens. Yesterday, Roger Sutton was appointed […]

Disaster Planning pays off

It’s good to know that people are reading our posts.  The article I wrote after the February earthquake has been picked up by HR Blog and made it to the Editors Top 5 Articles.

Kiwis will work 123 days to pay their taxes.

Did you know the average Kiwi has to work 123 days to pay their taxes. Tuesday the 3rd of May is when we start working for ourselves and not for  the Government. We compare poorly against Australia who have a Tax Freedom Day of April 19th but are leaps ahead of  Norway with their Tax […]